In 2015 our world changed when we welcomed our son into our lives. I gave up my job which involved traveling up and down the country every week and devoted every second of every day to look after our little one.
We became passionate about good quality clothing and interesting toys; we tried supporting small businesses as much as possible.
Whilst we stock some of the larger, well-known brands, we also want to support smaller businesses. So please, if you see something you like but haven't heard the name before, give it a go.
We hope you will love the quality and style as much as we do.
In September 2020, we acquired a children's shoe shop in Canterbury and Adam's Attic merged with Elves and the Shoemaker. We aim to create a beautiful, peaceful location where you can get your smalls feet measured and fitted with gorgeous shoes and browse the toys you only normally see online.
Thank you for supporting us.